The Intrepid Coach

The Intrepid Blog

Introducing The Intrepid Coach

It’s been a year since I left my corporate job in a bank. Some days it seems not too long ago, and on other days, it feels like a lifetime.

I remember posting on LinkedIn then to share a delightful caricature the country management team commissioned as a farewell memento. I also shared what I was going to focus on for the rest of that year.

One year on, I guess it’s a good time for a progress check,

  • I’m physically fitter and stronger than I’ve been for a while. Most days I clock 20k steps. On days I don’t, I still am close to it. Mentally, I have fewer headaches (real and figurative). But most significantly, I resumed bible study at BSF International. It was coincidental (or divinely directed) that we were studying the Book of John which was the same book I did when I first joined BSF in 2010. How different my life was then, and yet His Word and prompting haven’t changed.
  • For the first time in as long as I can remember, I didn’t have any work email to check when I travelled. It felt a little strange the first day waking up in the U.S. and not having to reply any emails, return messages, or jump into a quick call even before I got out of bed. I got used to that quite quickly.
  • I cooked more often and resumed entertaining at home more regularly. I also got a bit more adventurous with my cooking, using ingredients I don’t normally have in my fridge or pantry. Results of that are mixed but it also triggered a fresh book idea!
  • Book ideas … these got out of hand, I admit. I started with one – today I’m juggling four! All works-in-progress – a goal for the next 12 months is to publish at least one of it. Someone, please hold me accountable.
  • I completed my ICF coach training and now close to completing the minimum 100 hours needed to attain for my ACC. I caught a massive learning bug and went on to complete my ACLP. Now, thinking of what’s next.
  • I took back a lot of the care-giving for my son. While I hadn’t planned it that way, it seemed timing was good as my parents (my selfless co-caregivers) are getting on in age. It did also result in a rather massive change in my household – I got a live-in helper. It was something I’ve resisted for ever until I accepted the reality that I couldn’t be everything or everywhere. As much as I’ve harboured so much dread over it, having the help also allowed me to accelerate other areas that I’d set out to do.
  • My transition into the coaching, learning and development space is no secret. But having a public presence was a milestone I set.

So here you are – reading this on my website on which I’ve spent countless hours being my worst client ever. I hope you spend some time checking out the other pages here and let me know what you think of it.

And in this blog, I’ll be writing on autism, parenting a special needs person, career change, development and transitions, leading teams, personal brand & growth. If any of these topics interest you, subscribe below to get updates when anything gets posted.

If there are any other topics you’d like me to cover, do comment below or send me an email.

Here’s to a successful second half of 2024!

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